Friday, September 4, 2009

Lente bring die nuwe...

Lentedag - 1 Sep 2009.

Foto geneem voor wildeblomme in Kingspark.

4 September 2009, Lente bring die nuwe.

Vandag is ‘n heerlike sonnige en warm dag buite en dit voel of die lente uiteindelik hier in Perth ook isJ Ek het reeds vroeër vir Isabel na die parkie in die straat af geneem... oral langs die pad is die bewyse van nuwe lewe. (in die fototjie hierbo, hou sy 'n wilde blommetjie vas wat sy self gepluk het, in die fietstrap verbygaan) Pragtige bloeisels en blomme pruik geurig om ons en sommige bome se nuwe blaartjies spruit uit. Die voëls sing en vlieg ook vrolik rond!

Wat ‘n wonderbaarlike God dien ons nie!! Hy het vir ons soveel pragtige dinge om ons geplaas om ons te herinner dat ons kosbaar en lieflik in sy oë is.

Ek word nou herinner aan die volgende verse in die bybel;

Matthew 6:25-32 (New International Version)

Do Not Worry
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labour or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.

Is dit nie ‘n blye boodskap; die wete dat elkeen van ons vir die Here baie belangrik is!!

Buite dobber die pelikane lui op die rivier en die kraaie bak en gaap in die son. Isabel slaap rustig en ek geniet ‘n “croissant” met kaas en ‘n koppie Ceylon tee terwyl ek ‘n tydjie inruim om vir julle te tikJ Die lewe is vandag ‘n lied!

Tog is elke dag nie so vir my nie; sommiges is vol verlange of hartseer en soms verstaan ‘n mens nie hoe hierdie boonste bybel verse kan sin in die lewe maak nie. Wanneer my hart pyn en hunker na geliefdes wat vêr is se nabyheid en ek vra vrae oor sekerheid in die lewe se moeilike besluite. Wanneer ons bid vir wysheid en krag, maar dit voel nie of die Here hoor nie en wanneer die lewe moeilik en onregverdig voel. In tye wanneer emosies ons denke oorneem en ons frustreerd na antwoorde soek.. MOET ons onthou!; dat ten spyte van my gevoelens...

Ek vertrou in my Skepper en dat Hy in beheer is van my lewe, soos ek Hom toelaat.

Vriende en familie, weet dat ons aan julle dink en steeds verlang. Hoe kan ons dan nou sulke spesiale mense soos julle, ooit vergeet?

Bly in kontak en te laat weet hoe dit met julle gaan?

Groete, Anja.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009



On this windy and cloudy "spring"day in Perth, I would like to send you a message from my heart;
May you today especially experience the wonder of life and the frangrance of beautiful flowers like God's wonderful blessings. I am sure that God will make you aware of the awesome new life and season with new possibilities all around you!
Thank you so much for your friendship, I value each one of you!

Just for fun - - ->
...some interesting differences between Perth and RSA.
(in our opinion)

* Perth has less crime;)
* Australians only have a drivers and passport, they don't have identity books.
* Perth's riverwater is salty and have dolphins! (Christo has seen them three times!)
* Perth has Jacaranda, Gum, Frangipani and lots of other very familiar "RSA" trees.
* It's much cleaner and neater all around the city, river, beaches and parks in Perth.
* Temperatures are NOT the same, although season similar to Cape Town.
*EVERYTHING is much more expensive in Perth than elsewhere in Australia and much much more than in RSA.
* Perth has it's own tv-channel called 9 and there are five free digital TV channels for us to watch.
* Malls are similar to RSA, but RSA wins with better!!
* Take-away tastes awful here and KFC not at all like in RSA!
* Cadbury chocolate taste better in RSA.... reason; in Australia they add more imulsifier.
* Coffee is BIG in Australia, and a Mocha is much better in Perth! Mmmmm...
* We can buy all the RSA-goodies we really love at the RSA-shops.
* Public transport is much more efficient than in RSA.
* Speedlimits; city/shopping-road/mainstreet that has lots of pedestrian activity and school zones = 40km/hr, residential road +50km/hr, main road/ highway = 60km/hr (some indicated 70) and Freeway speed limit =100km/hr.
* Main streets and busroutes all have pedestrian walkways and cyclepaths/roadlines.
* On your Aus-driverslicense, you are allocated points which you loose with speeding/ fines.
* A Freeway is the same as a RSA-highway and a highway is like a main road, for example, William Nicol would be a highway and the N3 a Freeway (which it actually is:).
*A traffic light flashing a red arrow, doesn't mean you must be careful, watch out but may turn.. it means DON'T TURN!!
* A 'circle' is called a 'roundabout' and it doesn't work like a four-way stop as it does in JHB.. no in Perth, cars on the right have 'right of way':)
* Perth doesn't have any fourway-stops.
* Instead of 'speedbumps' in a busy road, they curve it to make you drive slower.

will update and add more soon:) enjoy!

'n briefie aan ons ongekende babatjie

20 Aug 2009
Ons het vandag opgewonde gegaan om jou uiteindelik te sien met die 12week sonar.. en groot was die skok toe ons moet hoor dat jy geen hartkloppie het nie:( Volgens jou groei het jou lewetjie 3weke terug al geeindig.
Ons weet jy is styf in Here Jesus se arms en hierdie gedagte bring ons troos. Ons is so jammer dat ons jou nooit gaan ken nie.
Al ons liefde,
Pappa, Mamma en jou sussie, Isabel